

Modern app which really comes to help !
Автоматизация - Новости
13.05.2020 10:06


IntisTele - massive system which could find answer for different issues. The mechanism helps to send message easily.

Main part

Businessmen everywhere are keen on blowing around interesting information, talking about the latest news, or defining assignments. According to the quick pace of our life and especially willing to gain time - a vast majority of people select messages because this type is the fastest and the most useful for busy people. .

Advantages and Disadvantages

Using IntisTele system has a lot of pros. For example:

Automated software. It means that there is no need to accomplish various actions for transferring message. Define the task, and the receivers will receive it.

Quality and price. It is helpful to control the limit and top up the balance due to your budget. The quality of send messages will be satisfactory.

Speed of delivery. A quick way to send SMS is about the Intis Telecommunication app. The era of homing pigeon and fax are a survival of times past.

In modern world bulk text is one of the most reliable ways of communication.

Concerning disadvantages of such manner of having conversation could be the short of guarantees, that written message will be delivered to the receiver.

The mean time of message distribution compiles from 20 seconds to 3 minutes (in case the place you are located possesses network coverage).

Department Solutions

Every organization challenge such thing as optimization of each operation. This should be done to satisfy customer's needs.

SMS is a great solution for marketers. SMS software considered to be a useful instrument to achieve each of marketing aims. For instance:

Simple automation and optimization of  timetable in campaigns. You will not forget the colleagues` birthday with the SMS software.

Bulk texting could be implemented in the department`s everyday routine. This software could help:

web developers can integrate IntisTele API gateway.

By virtue of the innovation it is possible to transfer a lot of  messages, update contact database.

Unlimited testing access to IntisTele bulk texting system gives permission for debugging your exclusive operating program solutions.

It is easy to start with IntisTele SDK for Perl.

Intis Telecommunication plugins and widgets were created to smooth integration of most major CMS (Drupal).

SMS commands are a rescue for sysadmins as long as they can settle distant administration and server management.

Inform timely about the issues.

SMS software is instantly updating on the exact server infrastructure performance.

Business owners also can systematize their employees' timetable because of a bulk texting software. Set instructions for your colleagues.

Manage your everyday corporate routine with SMS.

Obtaining feedback from clients via SMS.

On the website it is possible to find an understandable web interface, payment options that will match every pocket and a very captivating affiliate program. Thankfully to SMS software:

Everybody will be surprised by the speed of message transferring.

Solutions by industry

The bulk texting system solution is perfect choice for entertainment services. The SMS software could be helpful for solving a range of problems of different spheres in various industries.

With the help of SMS solutions insurance companies could supply with the best service for the customers.

It is a perfect solution for retail. With SMS system exists an opportunity to establish notifications concerning discounts.

You can apply SMS system into your transport actions, such as taxi.

Bulk texts software considered to be the best solution advance travel and transport services and make clients have a better adventure during thr journeys.

SMS software could be helpful for startups and IT. This application is fundamental for SaaS.

Message warn to supply safety. It could be applied for satellite tracking.


It is convenient to top up the balance and establish the amount of money which you are ready to contribute. IntisTele could offer numerous approached to fund the balance. For example, Paypal.


Application Programming Interface is a program, by which one device has ability to interact with the other device. The method was created to combine various applications in one system.

With API you can send a single text message

It can be integrated to CRM.

Perfect SMS:guidelines

Do not forget to say your name. Do not hesitate to specify your name right at the beginning of the text message. It will lead to extra attention to your bulk texting and make the message unique. Users will constantly understand company which addresses them.

Source: https://www.intistele.com/



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